All children (full fee and subsidized) must be registered on the city of Ottawa’s Child Care Registry and Waitlist at: https://onehsn.com/Ottawa/ux_2_0
All parents need to review the Family Handbook in its entirety
We have four sites. Email the site you would like to register for and ensure that you are on the waitlist and/or arrange a tour.
- Russell Road
- russell@aladin.services
- 2240 Russell Road
- Pleasant Park
- pleasantpk@aladin.services
- 564 Pleasant Park Road
- Ste-Anne
- steanne@aladin.services
- 235 Beausoleil Drive
- Du Rocher
- durocher@aladin.services
- 235 Donald Street

For families applying for kindergarten and school aged children:
Russell Road
Serves children that attend St. Luke Catholic School and École catholique Ste-Geneviève
Pleasant Park
Only serves children that attend Pleasant Park Public School
Only serves children that attend École catholique Sainte-Anne
Du Roche
Does not offer kindergarten or school age programs
10 day deposit (goes towards first payment) or confirmation of subsidy
approval is required prior to start date.